GMES & Africa - Structure

- GMES and Africa is established and jointly funded under an AU-EU partnership.
- It isadministered by the African Union Commissionthrough theProgramme Management Unit (PMU) under the Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI).
- The programme is headed by a Coordinator who leads a team of technical and corporate service officers.
- The PMUis also supported by a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) seconded to theprogramme by the European Union through the joint implementation agreement with the AU.
- GMES and Africa provides project grants toconsortia of African institutions delivering earth observation services in the thematic areas of Water and Natural Resources, and Marine and Coastal Areas across the five regions of the continent. Consortia are selected through an open call for proposals.
- The Policy Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC) is the oversight bodyresponsible for ensuring policy harmonization among the various key stakeholders of GMES and Africa, to facilitate the effective delivery of its mandate.